Leah Marmulla is Healthy Eats’ principle Dietitian.  

Leah graduated in 1995 and even though always had tummy issues, depression and severe neck pain it wasn’t until after a very stressful life event that the migraines and knife like pain in my lower back kicked in.  Stress definitely had a part to play, but this pain opened up a lot more study into what was possibly causing such pain.  The result working out I was sensitive to a number of different foods and chemicals.  Fortunately, if I stay on the ‘safe’ list of foods, my body has energy, my mind is alert and works, and pain, well it is almost non existent.  Weight also is a lot more stable, and muscle strength returns.

At first I too thought it couldn’t be the cause, surely??  I ate well, lots of fruit, vegies, the ‘super foods’ as we now call them.  Nope, not for me. I react to wheat, oats, rye, cow milk even the small amounts in chocolate (ARGGHHH), and particularly a naturally occurring chemical called amines.  SO, curry, chocolate, red wine, and heap of other foods I need to either avoid, or limit how much and often.

Why would I share this with you?  I know the frustration, the foods, the feeling, and the way to work out if and what your triggers are possibly for you.   Along the way, my studies have led me down various paths, through naturopathic philosophy (I am not trained in this) mind-body relationships, and even more now, the impact microbes or ‘gut bacteria’ has on health and well-being.  The results we are getting at Healthy Eats even astounds me at times as clients are regaining their wellness back from pain, brain fog and illness. 

So, if like me, you want to manage your symptoms, and live an easier, less painful life book in and investigate the possibility of better health 

If you have woken up today and realised that your tummy has just blown up far too much for comfort, your head is foggy, fatigued and depressed without any clear reason,  or maybe you looked in the mirror and decided

“Today, I’m going to look after the golden goose!”

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